COVID-19 Guidelines

Please read the below procedures.   We will be strictly enforcing these procedures for in-person lessons.

Plan Summary

MMS is planning to resume in-person lessons as soon as we can safely do so.  We will also continue offering online zoom lessons.

These in-person lessons will be almost completely reinvented. We will prioritize lessons based on each client's needs.

We will also leverage our online learning opportunities to create as much flexibility as possible, mindful that COVID-19 spikes at a local, state, or national level which may result in significant alterations to our plan. 

The music school follows our local district calendar and policies and stays open or closed based on the district's decision. 


• Only clients taking lessons can enter the studio foyer area.

• Temperatures will be taken prior to being admitted inside. Guardians must wait for a "thumbs up" clearance before leaving.

• Personal items will be left in a designated area upon arrival. 

• Hand sanitizer stations will be placed throughout  the studios.

•  Face masks must be worn at all times. 

• Clients should proceed directly to their assigned studio. 

In-person Lesson Procedures

1. Face coverings required for all participants.

2. Teaching in-studio will accommodate physical distancing of 6 feet.

3. Lessons will be no more than 60 minutes.

4. All rooms will be disinfected daily in accordance with local, state, and federal guidelines.

5. Faculty and clients are responsible for the cleaning of music stands, piano keyboards, and any other equipment touched during the lesson.


We understand our clients are of various ages, therefore, if it is absolutely necessary for the restroom to be used, please inform the instructors and they will escort you to the doors and wait outside.

Once inside, it is your responsibility to use provided disinfectant wipes and properly clean any areas that have been touched.
NOTE: Every effort to refrain from using onsite restrooms unless an absolute emergency would be greatly appreciated since lessons do not exceed 60 minutes.

A 60-minute vacancy is required in all studios after each lesson to allow for adequate air turnover via the HVAC air system. 


•  Each client will be walked to the exit upon completing their lesson time.

•  It is the client's responsibility to assist the instructor in properly disinfecting the area prior to leaving it.

•  Staggered lessons will also be implemented (one in-person lesson, vacancy turnover, and online zoom lesson structured system is planned for  each studio space).

• COVID-19 guidelines prohibit the offering of "stamps or candy" or beverage offerings.  Stickers  will continue to be offered.

•  At the close of sessions, clients  should proceeded directly to their vehicle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I enter the studio foyer if I see another vehicle at the entrance?

NO. Wait until a teacher signals you to come inside.

If I am playing an instrument, can I take off my mask?

NO. Wear a blue surgical mask with a slit cut in it.

How will piano instruction work?

Teachers will utilize equipment like pointers, etc.. and maintain 6 ft. as much as possible. All instructors will wear facemasks and faceshields.

Why can't I get candy or a stamp after my lesson?

Due to the COVID-19 guidelines, passing out candy or giving a stamp breaks the social distancing rules.